I was unfortunately not able to participate in the WWPD Bastogne Fire Storm campaign. They did create a whole bunch of very interesting scenarios to fight for Flames of War Battle of the Bulge (LW BOTB) forces. I have only painted up a weak company of LW BOTB Panzergrenadiers (two Panzergrenadier platoons and a HMG platoon) but when used in the scenario with a lot of German tanks, it was enough. My son's paratrooper forces and a whole bunch of LW US Shermans fill the rest of the ranks. We played a slight variation of the Turn 4 scenario at Marvie:
All credit due to the WWPD guys for creating a really neat campaign.
Turn 4 of the WWPD Bastogne Fire Storm Campaign. All credits to their site. |
In this scenario elements of the 101st Airborne Division and the 10th Armored Division are attacking to the east at the same time the main attack of the Panzer Lehr is attacking to the east over the same territory. This of course leads to an interesting match up. We did the Free for All mission as it looked like the best mission for two attacking forces lumbering into one another. The scenario calls for poor weather, and we rolled for moderate rain, which led to important tanks bogging down at the most inopportune times. The game is a Dawn Attack, which means the first few turns use night rules for spotting and moving.Here is the Marvie map from the WWPD site:
WWPD: Map of Marvie and environs. |
The WWPD map is 4 feet by 6 feet. We used our standard 6 feet by 8 feet table and elongated some of the distances. I draped some cheap snow material over the green hills to make it look more wintry. All BOTB battles must have snow and trees covered with snow so that is what I did. Here is our representation of the WWPD map: