Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Building Boom at Villers Bocage
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Building Villers-Bocage
Most of the houses are made by Musket Miniatures,, which I think are the best available and fit many FOW size stands. They are somewhat expensive and do require a fair amount of effort to paint well. This pays off, but given my painting speed, is a small problem.
Other buildings are from Crescent Root,,
which are very good and come painted. Alas, this manufacturer is currently in production limbo and thus the buildings aren't available, whether I could afford them or not. Perhaps this is just as well.
I just found a new German company,Najewitz Modellbaushop,, which makes Normandy row houses. These look very nice and I ordered a set of seven to see how they work out for this scenario. I am not sure how well you can put stands inside of the buildings, which makes the Musket Miniatures buildings so attractive. After I get these I will have to compare and contrast the pros and cons of all the various manufacturers. Anyway, back to the paint mines.
The center of Villers-Bocage before the Germans attacked and the Allies bombed it into the rubble of rubble.
A view down the main street. The buildings on the left are Musket Miniatures. The ones on the right is Crescent Root.
A German Tiger Tank for comparison in the narrow streets of Villers-Bocage.
Another view on the town. The buildings in the center foreground are from Miniature Building Authority, These look nice, and can be disassembled to reveal ruins, but have little space for normal infantry stands to hide in.
Another view. I need to get more cobblestone roads as well. These are by JR Miniatures, , which I think are very nice.
Herr Oberststurmfuhrer orders greater effort to finish off the terrain before the war ends.
Wittman's Less Than Wild Ride (no. 2)
This is a good scenario, and while it is tilted towards the Germans, it is not impossible for the plucky Brits to win. The Germans need to be a little lucky and make the British infantry the main target of their attacks.
Wittman's Wild Ride (no. 1)
By turn two, none of the platoon can do anything but burn. A ROF 3 Tiger is bad news.
More halftracks burn under the fire of the elite Panzercommander.